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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Little Mouse

In the midst of night,
When silence creeps in,
Here comes a little mouse,
Destined to be killed!

He looks so small.
Tiny as a mole,
Still crooked as a wolf,
Scaring poor mommy...

Hey little moussie,
Why aim for my house??
Though having many options...
I wanna an answer.

Many houses did I visit,
My next turn is this house,
And I'm going to be here,
Till I aim for the next one :)

Oh how rude an answer is that,
Oh little little moussie!
U better get away,
Or you'll be dead by our maids hands...

Little moussie runs away,
Scared of my words,
Or for the fear of his life,
He disappeared for my relief :)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Self Introspection

Today was a busy day at office. I always wished to work in a busy office where I can work continuously with interest so that the day goes well giving me a feeling that I have done something worthwhile. Though this was my wish, what was in store for me was just the contrary. Before joining this company,I worked in two companies. Both places I had more leisure or infact boring hours compared to productive working hours. I always used to feel sad and a bit dejected thinking that my days are being wasted thus increasing years of experience without much increase in knowledge. This being the background for my professional experience, I had ample time to make some good friends. These were times which I believe I was evolving as an individual...I started realising I have strong views for myself and there were people who would really listen to them and infact value them... These were the times when I started proving myself that I was capable of doing many other things other than professional work,writing being one among them. I believe I stopped writing after my school ...In schools,most of us would have been writers, good or bad, since we were used to compulsory essay and comprehensive writings. I am happy these days gave me an opportunity to start writing again,which again adds to the point that it improved my handwriting too which were long lost after college days. There have been times when I wondered the handwriting which once won prizes for "Best Handwriting" could become so vulgar like ghostly scribbling. I remember how embarrassed I had been when a close relative made a casual check on my notebook saying "I have heard your handwriting is really good" and ended up with a sorry look, decent enough not to make me feel hurt. But,I was hurt; No, I was sorry for myself for not maintaining my beautiful handwriting which once won a prize among one hundred and twenty other hand writings ..I got ample time to write mails to my school friends thus reliving past memories,get in touch with good old teachers thus building a new bond with them. The office where I work now offers me an atmosphere with good friends as well as ample work to keep me busy nowadays and I am really happy . When I think about my initial days in professional life, I know, it was a seasoning time for the ripe days ahead :)

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

What lies behind a dream?

Years ago, when I was a small kid studying in school, I had a very rare dream. I was standing alone in the premises of my ancestral home opposite which was a relative's home. As I was about to move to this relative's home, there came a snake; indeed a big one, blocking my way. The snake was very long and of pretty large size. I was standing right at the middle of the snake's length, very well aware that just by keeping my foot across the snake's body, I could get away from it and escape the snake's attack. I could sense that the snake was not in a mood to harm me and was lying there in somewhat a dormant manner. But, I was too scared just by the sight of it and wanted somebody to come and rescue me from there. But, as the usual scenario goes in dreams, I was unable to make any sound or call out for help.I don't know for how long I stood there with the snake in front of me; I couldn't move forward, I couldn't cry out for help; and yes, the snake also didn't move. It was a safe yet scary situation....Like any other dream, it was over after sometime.But like most of the dreams which gets forgotten seconds or minutes after waking up, this was not forgotten. Many a time during my lifetime till now I have thought about this peculiar dream - why did I have such a dream, does it have any significance in my life, why was it never forgotten etc.

Recently I visited Mannarassala temple in Kerala. It was the first time that I visited this temple and the feeling was "why it took me so long to visit this temple of snake Gods".It was an awesome feeling experienced while walking within the temple. It is a family temple and the family members have their "illams"/homes situated around the premises of the "sarpakavukal" coarsely occupied by poisonous snakes. It is believed that these snakes will not harm the people staying here. Infact, there is no precedence of them harming them. Now, isn't that amazing?? Man living in perfect harmony with snakes!!

The story of Mannarassala temple goes like this...It was the time when Lord Parasurama was taking vengeance on the Kshatriyas by killing them far and wide whether guilty or not to avenge for the  death of his parents. In order to get over this sin of killing the Kshatriyas, Lord Parasurama gifts the Brahmanas with a land which is reclaimed from the sea by throwing his sacred axe; the land known as God's own country, Kerala. But this land was inhabitable and uncultivable due to its high salt content. Parasumara was determined to make this land habitable at any cost. He went on a severe penance to please Lord Nagaraja,the King of snakes. Needless to say, Nagaraja was pleased with Parasurama and granted his request. Ferocious serpents arrived at the spot and spread their poison all over. This poison percolated the land wich made it desalinated and habitable with envious greenery. Parasurama then requested Nagaraja to bless the land forever with his eternal presence, which was also accepted by him.

At an auspicious moment, Parasurama installed Nagaraja who is Brahma,Vishnu and Siva in one in a place filled with Mandara trees; the place now known as Mannarasala. The installed deity here represents Anantha (Vishnuswaroopa)and Vasuki (Siva in spirit). Other deites of Sarpayakshi, Nagayakshi and Nagachamundi other Naga deities and their associates can also be found here. There is one Appuppankavu in the temple where it is believed that five hooded Nagaraja still stays doing tapas for the prosperity of his dependants.

Well, I have heard from my mother that my ancestors were also snake worshippers. By going through the story of Mannarassala and how the snake Gods still look after his dependants, I am inclined to think that the snake in my dream must be the snake God who is still around bringing prosperity and well being of his dependants. That could be the reason why he remained so calm without causing any harm....